A New Vision

All this time, I’ve been quoting other people whom I believe to have said something worthwhile.  We need to hear and read things that are worthwhile, as this is a medicine to the brain and to the soul when times are confusing or difficult or both.  Today I’d like to give you a few of my own words in the hope that they will help in these troubled and confusing times.


We all are aware that we have two questionable persons running for the office of President of the United States of American.  We don’t personally know these people, but we have an idea that they are not a statesman or states woman… They seem self motivated or political or both.  And, as citizens, we need (not just want) someone who can not only lead but take us in a direction that is forward. At any rate oh-so-many of us are convinced that our best interests are not at hand where these candidates are concerned; and the people of America are deeply agitated as to the possible direction of our future.  And yet…  Is it they who are important, or is it WE?  We the People!  WE started this country and